Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim is a fantastic start to a new duology. Shiori is a trouble-maker, and a liar, but magic changes her...
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri is one of my most anticipated sapphic releases this year. An epic fantasy, The Jasmine Throne sets the stage...
All Our Hidden Gifts by Caroline O’Donoghue is a young adult fantasy about witches. Maeve has never been good at anything until in All Our...
Hey y’all! This is a little different than my normal posting, and it’s my first collaborative post. Myself and several others have partnered together to...
Reckless by Cornelia Funke is a fantastical tale of two brothers. Jacob Reckless must save his brother from a faerie and the petrified flesh. While...
We Were Never Here is a new thriller from Andrea Bartz. This book chooses to focus more on the aftermath of what would generally be...
Rabbits by Terry Miles is an interesting, but confusing, Sci-Fi. K plays a game called Rabbits, and things are starting to go very wrong. All...
We Have Always Been Here by Lena Nguyen was an interesting Sci-fi thriller. Grace Park has always been close to androids, but how close will...
Not My Problem by Ciara Smyth is a humorous, contemporary, and queer novel. Aideen has gotten herself into a mess, but maybe it’s just the...
Odin’s Child by Siri Pettersen is an epic fantasy with Norwegian mythology. In Odin’s Child, we follow Hirka as she escapes from a society that...
“Fresh scapegracers, making their own little band. Doesn’t happen much anymore.” “It’s a bit archaic, I know. Means you’ve escaped the grace of God. It...
Unbirthday by Liz Braswell is the tenth in the “A Twisted Tale” series. In Unbirthday, we follow 18-year-old Alice as she returns to wonderland. “What...
I’ve had this idea for a while where I would re-read some books from my childhood (see: teenage years). This was inspired by my re-read...
To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini is a SciFi novel about an alien relic and a galaxy-wide war. In To Sleep...
Pahua and the Soul Stealer by Lori M. Lee is another fun addition to the Rick Riordan Presents collective. Pahua’s brother’s soul has been stolen,...
Throwaway Girls by Andrea Contos is a sapphic murder mystery that you didn’t know you needed. We follow Caroline as she tries to solve the...
The Midnight Bargain by C.L. Polk is a tale of magic, and what it takes to keep it. In The Midnight Bargain, Beatrice defies all...
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